5. Contributors

Here is a list of the main contributors:

5.1. Main modules

5.1.1. Simulator

  • Sébastien Weber, Research Engineer at CEMES/CNRS

5.1.2. Retriever

  • Sébastien Weber, Research Engineer at CEMES/CNRS

  • Romain Géneaux, Researcher at CEA Saclay, LIDYL

5.1.3. Propagator

  • Romain Géneaux, Researcher at CEA Saclay, LIDYL

5.1.4. Cleaning

  • Sébastien Weber, Research Engineer at CEMES/CNRS

  • Romain Géneaux, Researcher at CEA Saclay, LIDYL

5.2. Documentation

  • Romain Géneaux, Researcher at CEA Saclay, LIDYL

5.3. You want to contribute?

If you’re willing to help, you can clone the up-to-date GitHub repo: https://github.com/PyMoDAQ/pymodaq_femto using git command line or GitHub Desktop. I advise to create a dedicated conda environment for this and install PyMoDAQ-femto’s package as a developer:

  • conda create -n dev_env

  • conda activate dev_env

  • cd to the location of the folder where you downloaded or cloned the repository.

  • install the package as a developer using the command pip install -e ..

Any change on the code will be seen by python interpreter. When ready, you can ask to push your code into the main development branch. A simpler way is to raise Issues on PyMoDAQ-femto’s github page.